FILE TYPE Various size dependent on the artwork, Provided as a JPEG (unless a vector design). Please specify if a PNG, PSD, AI, etc, is required
TYPE Seamless or Placement (Elements from the artwork must not be extracted and used unless agreed on by the Artist)
Print Method Digital print of this design is recommended for most artwork
Design and illustrations The original artworks and designs were crafted by Lisa Previte.
Mock-up and website images The Images in the pattern library have been mocked up or previous products to bring the artwork to life and help visual ways it may look. The print, scale, colours, etc may be different on your products
FILE TYPE Various size dependent on the artwork, Provided as a JPEG (unless a vector design). Please specify if a PNG, PSD, AI, etc, is required
TYPE Seamless or Placement (Elements from the artwork must not be extracted and used unless agreed on by the Artist)
Print Method Digital print of this design is recommended for most artwork
Design and illustrations The original artworks and designs were crafted by Lisa Previte.
Mock-up and website images The Images in the pattern library have been mocked up or previous products to bring the artwork to life and help visual ways it may look. The print, scale, colours, etc may be different on your products
FILE TYPE Various size dependent on the artwork, Provided as a JPEG (unless a vector design). Please specify if a PNG, PSD, AI, etc, is required
TYPE Seamless or Placement (Elements from the artwork must not be extracted and used unless agreed on by the Artist)
Print Method Digital print of this design is recommended for most artwork
Design and illustrations The original artworks and designs were crafted by Lisa Previte.
Mock-up and website images The Images in the pattern library have been mocked up or previous products to bring the artwork to life and help visual ways it may look. The print, scale, colours, etc may be different on your products